MVV (Civic Integration) Exam

In order to be entitled to get an MVV, you will first need to sit for a special Language Examination plus Knowledge Test at the Dutch Embassy in Makati, Manila: this is the Civic Integration Examination.

The new examination, effective since the 1st of April, 2011 onwards, consists of 3 elements:
  • KNS-test - Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving = Knowledge of Dutch Society
  • TGN-test - Toets Gesproken Nederlands = Oral Dutch Language Test
  • GBL-test - Geletterdheid en Begrijpend Lezen = Comprehensive Reading
When you sit for your Civic Integration Examination, it is not required to write any of your answers, not even with regard to the written GBL test. So you only need to read, listen & speak. However, you must be able to comprehend and speak Dutch at NT2 proficiency level A1, plus your pronunciation and even intonation is required to be very close to that of a native Dutch speaker.
Content of the (MVV) Civic Integration Examination
First part of the examination will be the KNS-test(Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving), this part of the examination consists of questions about Dutch society, all of which will relate to the film “Naar Nederland”. There are 100 questions in the photo book. At the examination you will have to answer 30 questions from the book “Naar Nederland”. You will be given a book with photographs and will hear one question about each photo. You will hear the questions one at a time through the headset. You speak your answers into the microphone. You must turn the pages of the book yourself. The questions are in Dutch and you must answer in Dutch. The pass-mark for the KNS examination will remain unchanged from April 1st onwards: still 70% correct answers (70 out of 100 points).
Second part of the examination will be the TGN-test (Toets Gesproken Nederlands), this part of the examination assesses whether you are able to speak and comprehend Dutch at level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In this test, you are not required to read or write anything. Since the 1st of April 2011 onwards, the pass-mark for the TGN examination is raised to 26 out of 80 points (33% correct answers, which is equivalent to the NT2 Beginners Level A1)
This part of the examination consists of five parts: 
  • 1. repeating 12 sentences;        
  • 2. answering 14 short questions; 
  • 3. repeating 12 sentences;
  • 4. stating 10 opposites;
  • 5. tell something about 2 short stories (you do not get any points for this part)
Third part of the examination (since 1st of April 2011) will be the GBL-test, this part of the examination assesses whether or not you are able to read Dutch at level A1 of the Common European Common Framework of Reference for Languages. You will be given a book and asked to read out loud. You will need to achieve a score of 75% correct answers for the GBL examination. This part of the examination consists of five parts:
  • 1. reading aloud 4 columns of 8 Dutch words (a total of 32 words)
  • 2. reading aloud complete sentences, sentences are between 6 to 11 words
  • 3. reading aloud 3 short stories (one story is handwritten)
  • 4. completing 28 incomplete sentences using one of the suggested words (‘filling in the blanks’)
  • 5. answering questions about 3 short stories, the length of the story is between 52 and 84 words.  For every story, you will hear 4 questions, so a total of 12 spoken questions. You will need to answer the questions.
With your KNS-test, there will be no visible text, only pictures and sound
With your TGN-test, there will be no visible text and no visuals, only sound
With your GBL-test, you will be using a booklet with only Dutch text, but there are no visuals. 
Accompanying questions are both written and spoken, but you yourself do not need to write anything.
Note: you are allowed to make personal notes during your GBL-test only. However, these notes will not influence the examination results: it’s just for personal use.

The civic integration examination should be achieved by 01.04.2011 voldoendes by scoring on three components.
For KNS: you must score 70% (unchanged) - the test will take 15 minutes - there are thirty questions from the book.
For TGN: You must score 26 points on a scale of 10-80. Then you level A1 - the test will take 15 minutes.
GBL: you must score 26 points on a scale of 10-35. Then you level A1 - the test will take 25 minutes.

Test scale according to report scale TGN CEF-level
Brings nuances in meaning across precisely and in a natural way.
Can spontaneously and with a natural fluency also perform longer interventions. Shows a consistent grammatical and phonological grasp of varied and complex language usage, including proper use of connecting words and conjunctions. Can effortlessly understand native speakers.
Expresses him-/herself fluently and spontaneously, in clear, well-structured speech.
Can express him-/herself fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlessly, in an even, steady usage of language. Has a clear and natural pronunciation. Can vary intonation and uses emphasis to emphasize parts. Rarely makes mistakes. Shows grasp of connecting words and conjunctions. Understands virtually every native speaker, but may sometimes ask for confirmation.
Brings information and views across clearly and without noticeable effort.
Can produce unit language with a reasonably balanced tempo, with few noticeable pauses. Clear pronunciation and intonation. Errors do not lead to misunderstandings. Clear coherent arguments, but sometimes a little "jumpy". Can understand standard native speakers in detail, also in a noisy environment
Communicates the main points in familiar matters understandably.
Can discuss understandably, although obviously pausing for planning for and construction of grammatical elements. Pronunciation is understandable although at times coloured by a foreign accent and with errors in pronunciation. Fairly correct use of a general repertoire in predictable situations. Can connect simple loose elements into a coherent whole. Can understand clear speaking native speakers, but may have to ask for a repetition.
Communicates basic information about work, background, family, leisure, etc. Can make him-/herself understood in short sentences, although pauses, false starts and rewordings are present. Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be understood, despite a distinct foreign accent. Uses a limited number of simple structures correctly, but makes elemental errors systematically. Can connect word groups with simple conjunctions as "and", "but", and "because". Can understand clear speaking native speakers who address him/her directly, whenever necessary asking for a repetition.
Does simple statements about personal information and familiar topics.
Can handle very short, isolated, and mainly standard expressions. Many pauses to search for expressions and to pronounce less familiar words. Speaks with strong foreign accent. Understands the scope of clearly pronounced questions directed to him / her.


Luckily there's an available preparation pack to study and review for the exam. This is specially developed for the  Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
The preparation pack is called Naar Nederland, it is the official self-study pack which will help you to prepare for the Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad. It includes everything you need to be able to speak, understand and read Dutch at the required level. It also includes the material you will need to prepare for the Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving (Knowledge of Dutch Society) test. Shortcut to Ordering page

Each pack contains:
  • A DVD of the film Naar Nederland (there are two DVDs in each pack: PAL/SECAM and NTSC formats)
  • The Naar Nederland photo book with audio CD
  • The Naar Nederland, Nederlands voor anderstaligen workbook with 4 audio CDs
  • The self-study handbook, in Dutch with a translation in the requested support language. (The audio CD also contains a spoken version.)
  • A vocabulary list of Dutch words with their translations in the support language. (The audio CD also contains a spoken version.)
  • A DVD with the digital practice program
  • The log-in code for the online practice program
  • 2 TIN codes (test identification number) for the TGN practice test.
  • 2 TIN-codes (test identificatie nummer) for the GBL practice test.

Having the self-study pack is very handy, considering you have all files and materials in one central spot and with the provided practice exam you can be sure that the result is reliable. At cases that you do not have a study-pack available, you can at least start your self-studying by the use of the following;

Kennis van Nederlandse Samenleving Practice Tests

Toets Gesproken Nederlands Practice Tests 1 this you can combine with using Text to Speech for you to hear how Dutch words combined with accent sound like.
Toets Gesproken Nederlands Practice Tests 2

Geletterdheid Begrijpend Lezen Practice Tests


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